eduMe Blog

Digital Transformation in the Workplace: The Statistics

Written by eduMe | June 06, 2022

The way in which we as humans consume and communicate information is evolving rapidly. Gone are the days of simple email newsletters and clunky Learning Management Systems (LMS); companies that want to stay ahead of competitors and retain their best talent amid hiring shortages must take advantage of the innovative technology available to them. 

The biggest lesson we’ve learned in the wake of the Covid-10 pandemic is that the future is mobile. With deskless workers making up 80% of the global workforce and the number of smartphone users exceeding 6 billion, the need for mobile technology is crystal clear. Dispersed workforces need seamless, 24/7 access to the right information and tools in order to do their jobs. Yet, this demographic remains criminally underserved, with many businesses still relying on outdated methods which inhibit growth and increase the risk of churn. 

Amid the ‘Great Resignation’, it’s never been more important to understand exactly what your workers want, and what you can do to better meet their expectations.

So, we conducted our own research to find out:

  • How the US workforce feels about digital transformation in the workplace
  • How they would prefer to work
  • What they want from training and onboarding

Here are the results (click infographic to enlarge).

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The statistics

1. 38% of the U.S. workforce believes their company has not invested in digital transformation due to budget issues and cost restraints

Employees are aware of the current macroeconomic trends, and believe that technological innovation isn't a priority for their organization. This is a problem considering that  employees are 230% more engaged and 85% more likely to stay beyond three years in their jobs if they feel they have the technology that supports them at work.

2. 1 in 4 Americans never want to go back to an office again

Remote work is here to stay. U.S. workers have seen the benefits of working from home and have little desire to give it up. Companies who embrace this trend and provide employees with the technology and equipment they need to work remotely will see higher morale and retention.

3. 1 in 5 would like to perform all work from their phone

We already rely on our mobile phones for most aspects of our day-to-day lives; for many people, work is no different. Investing in technology that's mobile-friendly is crucial not only to meeting employee expectations, but also to ensuring that new tools are fully adopted.

4. More than half of the U.S. workforce would like flexible, anytime hours

Providing flexible working options is crucial to retention - 47% say they would consider changing jobs if flexible working wasn't an option. Companies who leverage intelligent scheduling tools and remote software to accommodate these needs are more likely to have the edge in the battle for talent.

5. 28% of US workers aged 18-34 think their workplace lacks digitalization because their company is led by an older generation

Reliance on outdated methods and technology is costly in many ways, but especially when it comes to how Millennial workers perceive your organization. With this demographic set to make up 75% of the global workforce by 2025, it's vital that companies catch up. 

6. Nearly 43% would like to have the ability to work from anywhere, in any time zone

When employees say they want to work remotely, they mean it in every sense of the word. Enabling your teams to truly work from anywhere will require a significant investment in the right tools in order to keep them connected from afar. 

7. 1 in 5 U.S. workers no longer want face-to-face training and onboarding

In-person training sessions aren't enough to keep your employees engaged and productive. With 68% of employees saying they'd stay at a company for at least three years following an effective onboarding experience, leaning on mobile technology is crucial. 

It’s never been more important to meet workers’ needs. Large US businesses lose at least $1 trillion each year to voluntary employee turnover, much of which exiting workers say their organizations could have prevented. Ensure that you’re providing your workforce with the tools they need to succeed, or risk losing them to another company which does. 

Looking to upgrade your training and onboarding program? eduMe's mobile platform has helped companies such as Uber, Marriott and Vodafone to better engage, inform and retain their dispersed workforce. By providing seamless access to relevant knowledge - embedded into your existing tech stack - you can empower end users to learn and upskill in the flow of work.

Book a demo with us now to see how we can help you digitalize your training 👇