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Since partnering with eduMe to deliver frontline-optimized training through their employee communications app, Flagger Force has seen:

20% higher engagement with employee communications tool

120k+ course completions

94% lesson completion rate

11% higher performance

60% reduction in heat illness injury

$250k saved on claims

eduMe has exceeded our expectations. It has revolutionized our training and really enhanced our overall communications platform.

Tamara Palmer Hexagon


Tamara Palmer, Internal Communications Manager, Flagger Force


Flagger Force, a leading short-term traffic control services company with a 10-state footprint, was looking to enhance safety training for their vast, dispersed workforce.

The company wanted to ensure their distributed employee base were supported with access to information round-the-clock, so that they could continue to achieve their company mission - safety of the roadways - effectively at scale. 

With nearly 2000 field employees and 1000+ trucks operating across 500+ job sites daily, Flagger Force was looking for a solution that reinforced in-person safety training, and promoted greater efficiency in the way training was conducted across the organization.

Flagger Force’s challenge

Before eduMe, Flagger Force relied on face-to-face training and testing via paper assessments to upskill employees on safety, and to measure the comprehension of material.  

Classroom training did not provide insight into the level of engagement on an employee-to-employee basis, or support a way to re-visit knowledge following the session. In addition, this process demanded a higher time investment from participants, with Flagger Force having to grade paper assessments and log results manually.

We're reducing

the administrative burden on the instructors in the classroom. Instead of having them grade paper tests, they're able to take the test on eduMe and it's automatically graded, instead of collecting and scanning paper copies from our footprint, that goes from Pennsylvania all the way to Florida


With safety as a primary focus, Flagger Force sought to make their training program more comprehensive by introducing a digital component. This would act as an additional touchpoint for knowledge reinforcement in between in-person sessions, as well as help build efficiencies, by supporting the digitization of assessments.

eduMe's solution

Flagger Force wasn’t just looking for a tool that had the capacity to store content for access outside of in-person sessions.

With their field employees dispatched to work zones directly from their homes, busy running flagging operations, and with limited technology at hand in the field, it was essential that training could be accessed via a mobile device

Beyond mobile compatibility, training also had to be uncomplicated for employees to access, visual, so that it held attention, and quick to get through, so that it was not disruptive to daily operations.  

In eduMe, Flagger Force found a flexible frontline training solution that, importantly, could be embedded into their employee communications app Beekeeper, for one-tap access to training from the app’s home screen.

Flagger Force’s Strategy for Driving a Successful Frontline Training Program

1. Providing password-free access to training from a high engagement location 

When our new VP of risk and safety took over, he saw that we had  this really successful employee communication app, where 98% of the company had installed and were actively using this app. So he thought, ‘all right, well, let's bring training and communications together.'

Before the introduction of eduMe, Flagger Force was using employee communications platform Beekeeper to share updates with office staff and field employees. Known to employees as the “ITZ” (In the Zone) app, this software was well established among employees, with a high adoption rate across the company. By embedding training into the Beekeeper app home screen, Flagger Force maximized visibility of training, and with it, chance of engagement. eduMe’s Password-Free Access further reduced barriers to discovering and accessing training.  

2. Building positive perception with an on-brand experience 

If you were coming to an eduMe lesson, you are getting the branded experience. You're looking at photography of actual field employees working with actual equipment on the job. It's like you're on the job site itself.

Another element foundational to Flagger Force’s high learner engagement was the on-brand experience workers were met with when they entered training. Known to workers simply as “FF Learn”, the eduMe interface blends invisibly into the Beekeeper app, and is undetectable as a separate software. When a specific lesson is tapped, employees are dropped straight into an environment with Flagger Force brand colors, photography, imagery. The company makes use of a variety of content formats that incorporate real employees shown in context on the worksite. This personalizes the experience and provides familiarity, improving perception and supporting high engagement. 

3. Driving higher engagement with push notifications

In addition to giving employees the autonomy to see and tap into lessons independently via a widget embedded onto the Beekeeper app home screen, Flagger Force uses notifications to engineer engagement and direct learners to material that requires attention. With notifications to specific material fired off through the Beekeeper app, Flagger Force can guide employees towards content that needs to be looked at, raising the engagement level.  

4. Blending digital and physical touchpoints for maximum effect

Flagger Force incorporates eduMe training directly into a classroom setting, with instructors pausing sessions for workers to complete related assessments. This not only improves the assessment process from an administrative perspective, but encourages employees to consolidate knowledge they just learned. An additional motivational tactic employed by Flagger Force to incentivise engagement and build a learning culture internally is to make completion of eduMe training a prerequisite for taking a physical class.


Since using eduMe to deliver easy to access, on-brand, frontline-optimized training, Flagger Force has seen an improvement in multiple key business metrics.

We're really excited about this next level of ROI. These tools are creating behavior change. That behavior change then means the company either saves or makes money.

By embedding training on eduMe into the Beekeeper app, Flagger Force not only achieved a 94% completion rate across 120k+ completed courses, but this exceptionally high engagement was seen across training that was voluntary as well as mandatory – a testament to the power and relevance of the materials for employees.

By layering eduMe into the Beekeeper ecosystem, Flagger Force was also able to drive a further 20% increase in engagement with the Beekeeper app, improving the return on investment on this tool.

The impact of high training engagement and reinforced knowledge was a higher performing, safer operating workforce. The driving performance differential between field employees who had completed training on eduMe vs. those who had not was 11%. Training on eduMe also had a positive impact on heat illness injuries, which Flagger Force were able to decrease by 60% following roll out.

With a workforce empowered to go about their day in a more efficient and safer manner, Flagger Force ultimately reduced insurance claims by 15%, a reduction that translated to a substantial $250,000 cost saving for the company

You would think that with the growth in the amount of jobs we’re working, there may be an increase in safety issues that would come with that. In fact, we've seen a trend downward in workers' compensation and liability. We attribute that to the fact that we have been able to use eduMe to really further foster our safety culture.

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