eduMe Blog

5 Best Onboarding Tools for New Employees

Written by Amy Watts | September 07, 2021

It’s no secret that onboarding is vital to a business’ success, and choosing the right tools can be make or break when it comes to preventing employee turnover.

Despite our surge in reliance on digital solutions, especially since the start of the pandemic, many employers are still relying on traditional, clunky processes when onboarding new employees. 58% of organizations focus their onboarding program on processes and paperwork, resulting in a lengthy, inconsistent and uninspiring experience for the employees they spent so much time hiring.

With the abundance of new tools and software on the market, digitizing your onboarding process has never been easier. The challenge, however, is knowing which ones are worth implementing. 

Luckily, we’ve done the hard work for you. Here are 5 of the best onboarding tools on the market right now.

  1. eduMe - Employee training

  2. Charlie - HR solutions

  3. Juno - Employee wellbeing

  4. Matter - Employee feedback

  5. Quinyx - Workforce management

Why is employee onboarding important?

Optimizing your employee onboarding process is crucial in reducing turnover. New hires who have a negative onboarding experience are twice as likely to look for other job opportunities, and 20% leave within their first 45 days. When you consider that the average US employer spends $4000 and 24 days securing a new hire, churn not only affects productivity but may potentially double your hiring costs.

It’s been found that companies with strong onboarding processes actually improve new hire retention by 82%, and improve productivity by 70%. By streamlining processes via digital tools and making use of the numerous platforms out there designed to engage and inspire your workforce, you can set new starters up for success.

Different types of onboarding tools 

1. eduMe: Employee training software

Yes, we may be slightly biased, but eduMe really is an invaluable tool when it comes to digital onboarding. Our mobile-based training platform allows more of your new joiners to become productive in less time, with bite sized, engaging and relevant learning material that is optimized for your workforce’s needs. With our seamless integrations, open API, and enterprise level security, you can create and distribute optimized onboarding training across multiple markets easily.

  • Content creation made easy

  • Frictionless user experience

  • Integrates into your existing tech stack

  • Localize content in any language

  • Monitor performance with access to real time data

  • Scale your onboarding process

Find out more about eduMe’s onboarding solutions.

Want to see how it looks? Tap through this sample eduMe onboarding course.




2. Charlie: HR solutions software

Charlie is a HR software designed to make onboarding new employees as effortless as possible, while making a great first impression. The platform collects new starter details for you, automating the admin process so that it’s consistent, legally compliant and much more efficient. You can also customize your dashboard to create an experience that’s bespoke and brimming with company culture.

  • Admin without the paperwork

  • Self serve process

  • Customization options

  • Checklists, directories and handbooks 

3. Juno: Employee wellbeing software

Workplace wellbeing is a hot topic right now, and Juno makes looking after your workforce easy. Their all-in-one employee benefits platform allows people to choose their own wellbeing perks, from exercise classes and meditation app subscriptions to at-home crafting kits. Letting employees choose a programme that works for them saves you time and money on unused expenses, and lets new starters know that they’ll be supported.

  • 100s of perks to choose from

  • Reduced admin and expenses

  • Anonymized reports on team health

  • Scalable benefits 

4. Matter: Employee feedback software

Let new starters know that hard work gets rewarded with Matter, a feedback program that lets you give your colleagues the recognition they deserve and help them achieve their goals. You can give people ‘Kudos’, provide and request recurring feedback, and celebrate wins by sharing them with the rest of the company.  

  • Unlimited free seats and feedback

  • Slack integration

  • Skill ontology - categorized skills to focus on

  • Shareable links

5. Quinyx: Workforce management software

Need help managing your onboarding process and keeping track of new hires? Quinyx is a workforce management software which allows you to easily integrate with HR, Payroll and other business applications to optimize performance and efficiency. From workforce scheduling to engagement features, the platform offers a multitude of strategies for streamlining your onboarding program.

  • AI optimization

  • Integrations

  • Specially tailored to industry

  • Reporting and insights

Digitizing your onboarding process improves retention, boosts employee engagement and allows your business to run more efficiently.

Get in touch now to see how eduMe can transform your onboarding program 👇